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Letters: Surprise shouldn’t bail out mayor in Massie arrest situation


Re: the Rebekah Massie arrest and the city blocking free speech.

Mayor Skip Hall and all councilmembers have bonds to insure them conduct stemming from official duties to protect them financially as persons/people.

But how does a bond protect in this case the mayor, who has sworn to uphold the U.S. and Arizona constitutions and Bill of Rights, cause this bond to be effective and the mayor personally shielded? This as he was called out for his alleged unconstitutional behavior but did so anyway?

No, his bond should not cover him is my view. And the city should not come to his aid.

As far as our city attorney, if he did author, sign off or coordinate on the request to speak form verbiage, that clearly is unconstitutional. His bond, likewise, and tenure with the city in my view is null-and-void and over.

The remaining councilmembers whom sat there and did or said nothing, and the police chief and involved police officer, likewise.

I have personally sent emails officially to my councilmember asking for action and detailed response many times for significant and different things, to only either be ignored or not acknowledged or no real significant details or his position provided, even though it is said they all are public servants.

Serious issues brought forth and no response:

• The Surprise Grand Avenue, 163th Avenue and 303 Loop disaster and road rage incidents, etc.

• A moratorium (by the council and planning commission) on further building, approvals and variances until builders/developers pony up the majority of the funds and build the interchange and crossroads. (i.e. Sun Valley Parkway, Jackrabbit Trail, El Mirage Road underpass and roads).

• Identifying and recusing themselves on any (beyond state-mandated reporting and disclosures) of builders or developers campaign contributions and other to mayor and or council.

And failure to give equal time and press in the city’s Progress quarterly magazine, which is mailed to all addresses. Only the city’s wants and needs pushed by the council and mayor appear (i.e. support the tax override or bond issue because we don’t want to cut the budget)

This is and has been an absolute disaster for the city of Surprise and its tax-paying citizens.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.