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MacLean: Let’s preserve the wonderful legacy of our town


As a 54-year resident of Paradise Valley and former councilwoman, I wholeheartedly endorse Anna Thomasson for mayor.

Recently, Councilwoman Julie Pace wrote in a letter to the editor, “I understand that she [Anna] has been telling people that if she wins, she will be appointing the person to fill her vacant position on the council.”  Instead of relying on hearsay for her “understanding,” Ms. Pace should have talked directly to Anna. 
I called Anna, who confirmed that she never told anyone that she would choose her own successor because she knows that the Town Council, not the new mayor, chooses the replacement member. 

Ms. Pace may wish to change how the town operates, but Anna didn’t “take away the rights” of voters by complying with the town’s long-established process.

This isn’t the first time Ms. Pace has made accusations based on false assumptions. Earlier this year, I sent letters urging people to vote for Anna. I wrote and funded those letters myself, but Ms. Pace wrongly assumed that the letters were created and funded by Anna’s campaign. Ms. Pace dashed off an email falsely accusing Anna of campaign violations and even copied the Town Clerk.

I have seen two letters that Ms. Pace wrote and circulated widely in Paradise Valley. Both letters contained factual misstatements about Anna and struck a spiteful tone.

Anna Thomasson is honorable, works well with others and will be a great mayor. I don’t expect everyone to share my preferences, but rumormongering and false accusations hurt the community we’ve all built together.

Until now, P.V. has been free of the rancor and division that afflicts many communities. Let’s commit to stopping the false accusations, keeping a civil tone and preserving the wonderful legacy of our town for current and future residents.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.