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Adams: Disappointed in Stanton


Last week’s Independent boasted the fifth paid advertising sticky-note on the front page, paid for by Councilmembers Julie Pace and Ellen Andeen (disclosed in microscopic print) against mayoral candidate, Anna Thomasson.

Since February, Ms. Pace has been aggressively campaigning with her online newsletters, attack mailings and stickers exhorting readers to vote for anyone but Ms. Thomasson.

As Pace’s attacks have escalated, Mark Stanton has stood by, quietly accepting the free publicity and benefits of her unfounded attacks on Ms. Thomasson. For a man who proudly touts his long history in the Town and love of our character, why has he stood silent while his council colleague has been mercilessly bullied and the Town sullied by the actions of Ms. Pace?

As the full-time, executive director of the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce, I suppose Mark’s job is to smile and make nice with everyone. That may work for the Scottsdale Chamber, but here in Paradise Valley, I want a mayor with the leadership skills to stand up those who threaten our character and values. 

If Mark can’t or won’t influence his biggest supporter, Julie Pace, how can he negotiate and manage developers or legislators who want to take away our tax revenue or 1-acre zoning?

My husband and I have lived here for 35 years and we have never seen the level of despicable behavior from an elected official as we have seen from Ms. Pace. Paradise Valley is better than that and I am disappointed in Mr. Stanton’s lack of leadership allowing this to continue for so long.

We will be voting for Ms. Thomasson. I’ve watched her advocate for staff and residents when they have been attacked, strongly voice resident concerns to developers, and repeatedly testify at the legislature to defend our quality of life. She will make a great mayor.