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Letters: Teen can't vote, but supports Sartor for mayor


Municipal government became important to me in 2022, when I squeezed, with 400 others, into an overflow room at City Hall and watched the majority of the Surprise City Council ignore residents’ concerns about a proposed development.

I observed the collective gasp as the City Council voted against the voice of the people and in line with out-of-state developers. I was shocked and furious. I'd been taught my whole life that good government listens to the people.

Aly Cline was part of that City Council — and the strident lecture she gave as she cast her vote against the citizens’ collective voice remains a vivid and unpleasant memory.

That's why her campaign to become mayor concerns me deeply. She has proven — by voting against Surprise residents’ wishes involving zoning decisions, developments, a recent sales tax hike — that she couldn't care less about what the people really need and want. That scares me. No elected official should ignore their constituents. To do so undermines the republic process itself.

The first time I met Kevin Sartor, I was skeptical. After my encounters with politicians like Ms. Cline, I wasn't sure who to trust. Besides, I'm only 16. Why would a candidate give me the time of day?

But from the very first day I met him, my fears were assuaged. Kevin actually cared. He actually listened. He was open with me, willing to answer questions, addressing and validating my concerns. He outlined his vision for getting Surprise back on track, but he wanted honest feedback and was open to different ideas.

Sartor restored my faith in political leadership. He’s a candidate we can trust, a man who will listen to the people, care about what we care about, and act in our interest.

Sartor is the mayor Surprise needs.