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Letters: Everybody involved in Massie incident should be ashamed


I cannot recall any time in modern American history where I saw such a dystopian event like the terrible arrogance that I saw from Surprise Mayor Skip Hall and his apparently willing and collaborative totalitarians, captured for all to see on YouTube.

I am simply beyond words.

To Hall: You must really be a very power drunk person to even consider what you did.

To the City Council and Robert Wingo: You stood by and watched this First Amendment abuse of power in plain sight. To the officer who forcibly removed this resident: Don’t you realize you may be sued as well?

I truly hope that justice is served against the city, its mayor, its city council and anyone there on the stage who participated, and the officer who went way too far.

All who tormented and humiliated this woman in front of her 10-year old daughter should be ashamed. You all appear to be totally corrupt​. That poor woman standing there was making a reasonable argument that was surely within the First Amendment.​

A final point, to the woman and her daughter: America was founded by people as courageous as you. I’m proud of you both.

Paul Alpern is a resident of Campbell, California. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.