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Kepler: Sex change attack ads wrong about Harris


Instead of letting TV attack ads form our opinions we can easily do a little research and find out the real story. The TV ad in question has happened only twice. The 1976 Supreme Court ruled that prisoners are entitled to health care. Apparently, sex change is considered a medical condition, and the government was sued and the ruling was what we have today.

It doesn’t really matter if Vice President Kamala Harris agrees or disagrees with this ruling, the fact remains she didn’t make this law. Whether we agree or disagree on the ruling by the Supreme Court, until the ruling is overturned by the Supreme Court that’s the law.

I know by just watching the news today, far too many think that laws don’t matter and that somehow their opinion is more important than actual laws.

Just to be clear, I too feel this ruling is absurd but until it challenged, it’s still the law, so let’s put this to bed. Kamala Harris is not allowing inmates to have sex changes.

This court ruling was passed over 50 years ago. If it’s so dangerous and reckless, why is the GOP waiting until a Democrat is running for president to tell us how terrible this is? 

Remember, we have had a conservative Supreme Court since Donald J. Trump was president; plenty of time to try and overturn this ruling. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.