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Malkowski: Civil communication necessary to address issues


I commend General Manager (Matthew) D’Luzansky for his efforts to align actions with the RCSC’s “Mission, Vision, and Values” as highlighted in the March issue of the Sun City Update. Implementing changes, enhancing transparency, and fostering constructive discussions are crucial for growth and progress.

During times of change, it is important to address issues collaboratively and respectfully, despite potential challenges and diverse reactions from stakeholders. Decision-making based on logic and reason, coupled with promoting two-way communication, are essential principles to uphold.

Maintaining a focus on constructive engagement and respectful dialogue helps in cultivating positive relationships within the community. It is vital to address concerns respectfully without resorting to rudeness or disrespectful behaviors considering that change is constant, but should not be an excuse for uncivil conduct.

Respecting all stakeholders and fostering a positive atmosphere in Sun City are paramount for community enhancement. As a member of the Outreach and Communications Committee, I stress the importance of the committee as a resource for RCSC leadership in promoting a respectful environment for dialogue amid change.

By utilizing the committee’s expertise, RCSC leadership can boost engagement and collaboration among stakeholders, aligning with our shared aim of community improvement. Upholding civility, respect, and best communication practices enables collaborative efforts towards enhancing the community for all residents.

I thank Mr. D’Luzansky for underlining the significance of respectful communication and behaviors as we navigate through change and strive for community betterment.