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Henao: Immigration a national problem


In regard to the comments about the Texas SB4 law that would allow law enforcers in Texas to arrest suspected migrants on a misdemeanor charge if they are in the US illegally, I would add that the only way to solve this issue once and forever is to address this problem through one of the many international organizations that we belong to.

I’m not sure which one would be the appropriate one since it is a worldwide issue. My entire family came to the U.S. using the proper channels to submit the required documentation. It is a lengthy process, but it works. The people wanting to cross the borders come from many different countries around the world. I agree with Mexico not willing to accept deported citizens if they are not Mexican citizens. This is not political dilemma, Republican or Democrat. It is our national problem. It is not a Mexican or Canadian problem. So, what is the solution?

I believe it is very simple. Every country involved in immigration with the U.S. should agree to be liable for the costs of deportation to their respective country. I believe this solution will definitely work if it is even plausible.