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election 2024

Officials, candidates, observers give first impressions on Biden out of race

Posted 7/21/24

PHOENIX  — The July 21 announcement by Joe Biden that he was not running for reelection and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris produced a flurry of reaction on social media from …

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election 2024

Officials, candidates, observers give first impressions on Biden out of race


PHOENIX  — The July 21 announcement by Joe Biden that he was not running for reelection and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris produced a flurry of reaction on social media from Arizona politicians, elected officials and groups.

They largely fell along party lines, with a key exception being Mesa Mayor John Giles, a Republican. But he has broken with the GOP before, even appearing ahead of the 2022 election with Katie Hobbs and Mark Kelly when both were running for election.

One note of interest came from Bo Dul, the former state elections director and now general counsel to Hobbs.
She posted that under Arizona law, the new Democratic nominees for president and vice president will qualify to appear on the general election ballot in Arizona as long as the chair of the state party submits nomination documents for presidential electors to the secretary of state by Aug. 9 at 5 p.m.

Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs:

President Biden is the embodiment of a public servant. Throughout this career, he has led with integrity, selflessness, and unparalleled empathy. His decision today is a clear reflection of these qualities and his commitment to putting the American people first.

Democratic Congressman Ruben Gallego (candidate for Senate):

President Biden has consistently worked to make life better for hardworking Americans. He again put our country first today, as he has throughout his tenure as a public servant.

Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake:

Joe Biden enablers like Kamala Harris and Ruben Gallego caused this mess by supporting a man in clear mental decline and by voting 100% of the time for his dead-end agenda. Whoever the Democrat elites choose to be their nominee will champion the same destructive policies that brought our country to the dangerous point it finds itself in today.

Democratic Congressman Raul Grijalva:

Joe Biden will be remembers as one of the most consequential presidents in our history. His legacy will forever be one that helped save the U.S. from fascism, led out nation out of the pandemic, crafted an economic recovery plan and prioritized working families, and led the charge to ensure our country would be the leader of the world in the transition to a clean energy economy.

Maricopa County Republican Committee:

Next, after 'standing down,' Joe Biden endorses unconstitutional candidate for president and commander-in-chief of the United States of America.

Democratic Tucson Mayor Regina Romero:

I am excited to support Kamala Harris to be the next Democratic president of the United States. She is ready to step up and lead. I'm ready to jump in and do all I can to help elect Kamala Harris to the White House.

Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly:

I couldn't be more confident that Vice President Kamala Harris is the right person to defeat Donald Trump and lead our country into the future. She has my support for the nomination, and Gabby and I will do everything we can to elect her president of the United States.

Democrat Gabrielle Giffords, former member of Congress:

I will be forever grateful for his personal friendship to me as I was recovering. He was by my side when I returned to cast my first vote following the shooting, and I was proud to stand by his side throughout his presidency, where he did more to fight gun violence than any president in history.

Republican Congressman Juan Cisciomani seeking reelection:

Make no mistake: In Congressional District 6, Joe Biden and his policies are on the ballot in the form of Engel For Arizona (his Democratic foe). From your border to your pocketbooks, we can't let Biden-Engle win.

Democratic congressional candidate Kirsten Engle:

President Biden has been an incredible leader with an undeniable record of bringing down costs for Americans, protecting our environment, and defending our democracy. I look forward to working with our party's presidential candidate to defeat Donald Trump's extremism.

Republican Congressman Paul Gosar:

By rigging their own election and forcing Joe Biden to quit, billionaire Democrat donors, Hollywood leftists and Democrat party elitists just gave the middle finger to the 14 million Democrats who selected Biden to be their nominee. The Democrat coup is complete.

Former Democratic state Rep. David Schapira and delegate to the convention:

As a Biden delegate to the Democratic convention, it would have been my honor to vote to nominate him for reelection. Now I will join with 3,978 other Democrats to choose our nominee. Who do you think we should nominate? (Has a list of Harris, Whitmer, Shapior and Newsom but says to reply to his post if you think it should be somebody else.)

Arizona Senate Victory Fund PAC:

Biden-Harris are one and the same. But no matter who they put up, Arizona Democrats will need to answer for the Biden-Harris failed agenda -- and agency they want to replicate in the Arizona Legislature.

Arizona House Democrats:

We are beyond grateful for his lifetime of dedicated, selfless and steadfast leadership, and for his record that always prioritized hard-working American families.

President Biden is a patriot and a statesman in the truest sense of the words, and he has proven that once again by putting the future of his country ahead of himself.

Republican Congressman Andy Biggs:

Joe Biden is too weak and feeble to be prosecuted. He is too week and feeble to campaign. How is he strong enough to continue services as commander in chief of the strongest nation in the world? Joe Biden ought to step down.

Republican Party of Arizona:

Coup. This is a perfect reflection of how the Democrat party operates. They tell their voters who to support. The voters of the Republican Party decided on nominee -- Donald Trump. With his leadership we will Make America Great Again.

Arizona Democratic Party:

The Biden-Harris administration has been one of the most successful in the history of our country -- from rebuilding our economy to protecting fundamental freedoms. President Biden has fought to make the lives of working families better, and we thank him for his incredible service.

Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes:

His lifetime of public service -- and especially his presidency -- will have a deep and lasting impact on our country and our planet. Thank you for everything you have done for the American people, Mr. President.

Democratic Secretary of State Adrian Fontes:

Humility and gratitude toward the American people are the takeaway from the president's letter withdrawing from the race. Solid leadership.

Democratic Congressman Greg Stanton:

Today, as he always has, President Biden put the future of our country first. He will go down in history as one of the most effective chief executives of the modern era. I will forever be proud of what we have been able to deliver for Arizona.

Republican Congressman Eli Crane:

Nothing has changed about our choice in November. Do you want the border crisis to continue, the inflation to get worse, and the wars to continue? That's what Kamala Harris wants for America. She's a radical progressive from California. Leave Arizona alone.

Republican Congresswoman Debbie Lesko, now running for Maricopa County supervisor:

Kamala Harris was Biden's border czar. She didn't do a darn thing. In fact the open border is now worse. Now she is supposed to lead our country??? I think not.

Democratic Phoenix City Council member and congressional candidate Yassamin Ansari:

I am proud to join President Biden and Democrats across the country in getting behind the historic candidacy of Kamala Harris. We have an opportunity to elect the first woman, the first Black woman, and the first AAPI president to keep delivering results for the American people.

Democratic Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego:

President Biden has achieved so much, made so many lives better -- especially here in Arizona -- and will go down in the history book as one of our most effective presidents of our lifetimes.

Democratic state Rep. Alma Hernandez:

Harris/Kelly 2024. Let's go. I'm ready. AZ is ready.

Democratic state Rep. Analise Ortiz:

Thank you President Biden for your service to our nation. I am ready to unite behind our Democratic nominee and do all we can to defeat Trump and his extremist march to authoritarianism in November. So much is on the line. Let's get to work.

Democratic congressional candidate Connor O'Callaghan:

President Biden has served this country with dignity and grace and history will remember him fondly for guiding use through a very turbulent time in our nation's history.

Democratic congressional candidate Raquel Teran:

Thanks to Joe Biden, we defeated extremism in 2020. We made progress on climate legislation, passed new run safety laws, and made historic investments in infrastructure that helped us rebuild from a once in a century pandemic.

Republican House Speaker Ben Toma (congressional candidate):

An historic moment in several ways. The Democrat machine and their allies in the media push out their standard bearer. Biden in turn endorse a much more radical progressive at a time when American are rejecting such policies.

 Republican House Majority Whip Teresa Martinez:

For several months, everyone has known that Joe Biden's mental ability has been on a fast moving decline! The fact that he fells or in this case has been told he is unable to run for reelection why is he staying on as president? Does anybody else believe he is running the country?

Republican state Rep. Quang Nguyen:

You all got punked by elitists in your party. 14 million votes just disappeared.

Republican state Rep. Jacqueline Parker:

Let's not lose focus though on the fact that the Bidens and their friend (Secret Service) Director Cheetos orchestrated an assassination attempt. Who will protect them now?

Republican Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell, seeking reelection:

Biden bows out of presidential race after opening our border and ruining neighborhoods from coast to coast. He's out -- but the Left wants his agenda to continue. When it comes to Maricopa County -- not on my watch!

Republican Mesa Mayor John Giles:

I am proud to work with a president that respects the rule of law. We don't agree on all issues, but I never doubt his commitment to defending the Constitution. I commend Joe Biden's leadership, bipartisanship and dedication to this country.

Republican state Rep. Travis Grantham:

We're witnessing the real destruction of democracy by Democrats. Not until August will we know who a small group of elitists choose over the democratically elected nominee of their party literally disregarding over 10 million votes of citizens across the nation.

Voto Latino:

His decision to step aside is classic Biden sacrificing his self-interests for the good of the nation.

Citizens for Free Enterprise PAC run by former Republican Gov. Doug Ducey:

Joe Biden's name might not be on the ballot, but his disastrous Bidenomics agenda will still be. Bidenomics has hurt Arizona families, strained their wallets and put opportunity further out of reach -- and who ever replaces Biden as the nominee has backed this agenda from Day One.

 Meghan McCain:

Senator Mark Kelly is very dangerous for Republicans. He and his wife Gabby Giffords are American icons and both American heroes.

Political consultant Barrett Marson:

Sen. Mark Kelly is the talk of the TV waves today as a potential VP candidate. The next two weeks will be absolutely crazy.