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Letter: Higley's Van Hoek overstepped her position


Vice President of Higley Unified School Board Anna Van Hoek has gone beyond her position and above her pay grade. Bringing her draconian views into our education system is beyond the pale. Attacking students who are coming into their own independence and voicing their opinions in support of their teacher is unacceptable. Arizona doesn't need or want a christo-fascist curriculum. The mother who spoke at this board meeting, Jessica D'Ambrosio, was astute in expressing her concerns, and I am proud of the students who appeared to defend their literature teacher, Brittany O'Neill. They are our future. 

Van Hoek should be encouraging this behavior, not belittling it. Students who speak out now will be speaking out in college and beyond. The fact that Van Hoek tried to interrupt Ms. D'Ambrosio, while she was speaking, shows her lack of discipline and inability to follow the school board's own rules. I am grateful for the strength and courage that D'Ambrosio brought with her. Qualifications needed to teach literature at a high school level are much more rigorous than those required to sit on a board and be judgmental.