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Symington: Voicing my support for Mark Stanton for mayor


As a longtime resident of Paradise Valley, I am an enthusiastic supporter of Vice Mayor Mark Stanton.

I have personally known Mark for many years and can tell you that he is a principled, fiscal conservative. Mark has superior leadership skills, temperament, along with a successful career. His experience and leadership will ensure that Paradise Valley remains the remarkable community that we all love. 

Mark was raised in Paradise Valley and has chosen to raise his family here. Rest assured, Mark will always do what is right for our town, especially when it comes to keeping our citizens safe and supporting our world-class first responders. 

I am proud to endorse Mark Stanton for the next mayor of Paradise Valley. Please join me on Nov. 5 in voting – Mark Stanton for mayor of Paradise Valley.

Fife Symington is the 19th governor of Arizona. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.