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Somo: Rick Watts does not deserve your vote


Rick Watts, as a council-appointed Planning and Zoning commissioner, angrily confronted Council on June 18 for not divulging attorney-client privileged information. He also attacked a councilmember for her letter of apology to P&Z for general comments she made during the June 6 council meeting.

Over the past few months, Rick Watts has repeatedly demanded that town staff and legal counsel disclose attorney-client privileged information. It was repeatedly explained to Rick that the requested information is legally not disclosable. Ignoring this and the Council’s majority vote to uphold the attorney-client privilege, Rick stood before Council on June 18 and publicly did the following:
*Disrespectfully dismissed the Town Council’s legal advice with disdain after being told "no."

*Accused the Council of not being responsible leaders, casting doubt on their leadership abilities.

*Asserted that Council is subordinate to him and is required to follow his lead, implying that his authority supersedes theirs.

*Implied that Town Council’s vote to not disclose legally privileged information is not a hallmark of leadership.

*Personally attacked a Council member for her letter of apology to P&Z Commission, demonstrating hostility and disregard for her actions.

After making these contentious statements to Council, Rick abruptly stormed away.

Following that, he then wrote a disparaging letter reiterating his inappropriate comments and disrespect for Council.

Rick Watts’ conduct does not demonstrate the hallmark of leadership he demands, nor does it show any respect for the office he seeks. Such conduct violates the Town Code of Ethics and commissioners have been removed for less.

Fountain Hills residents should expect, and definitely deserve, better behavior from anyone aspiring to serve on Town Council. Rick Watts does not deserve, and has not earned, your vote.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.