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Bartman: Believe them when they show their true colors


If you were present for the mayoral candidate forum and the town council candidate forum, candidates put their best face forward. Do your research. Find out what type of people you are going to help elect. Are they dividers or will they work to uplift our community? Do they talk the talk or actually walk the walk?

Gerry Friedel and Rick Watts have shown by their actions that they are not the best choice to lead our community.

Gerry Friedel is a current council member and candidate for mayor. He has posted things on social media in the past that I find to be demeaning toward various groups.

Rick Watts currently serves on P&Z and is a candidate for town council. During the June 18 town council meeting, following his speaking during the public comment, after the entire call to the public, Councilmember Kalivianakis was responding to statements Watts had made. Watts stood up, yelled an expletive, then stormed away. I was present. Unfortunately, you cannot hear much on the YouTube video, but ask any of us who were present and they can verify his swearing and storming away.

If he can’t control his anger as a member of the public, how will he do so when the public addresses him if he was on the council? Wow would he work together with other council members, when he swore at one during her comments?

Vote for those who show leadership qualities through their actions, demeanor and how they treat fellow human beings.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.