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Dutton: Ginny Dickey is an exceptional leader


I am writing to endorse Ginny Dickey for re-election as mayor of Fountain Hills.

Mayor Dickey is an exceptional leader with a clear vision for our community's future. She has effectively governed, prioritizing Fountain Hills' infrastructure, community resources and economy. Dickey has demonstrated a commitment to public service. She has over a decade of related public service, including two terms on the town council and two terms on the Fountain Hills Unified School District Governing Board, giving her a depth of experience.

Effectively running a municipality requires a person interested in the unexciting details that affect community quality of life, like traffic patterns. Ginny Dickey has proven she has this ability to pay attention to issues that are boring but important.

Dickey's experience and dedication are evident in her strategic focus on key issues. She has outlined important goals, including developing long-term strategies for street improvements, establishing a municipal fire department, implementing a new MCSO contract and advocating for the International Dark Sky Discovery Center. Dickey recognizes the need to balance these initiatives with ongoing infrastructure maintenance, including Fountain Lake.

In contrast to Major Dickey, 92-year-old candidate Joe Arpaio has no experience running a municipality. He cost Maricopa County taxpayers a shockingly large amount for his acts as sheriff, with total expenses expected to reach $314 million by mid-summer 2025 (Associated Press).

Fountain Hills cannot afford the liability of Joe Arpaio acting as mayor. The other candidates have no significant related experience in running a municipality.

Mayor Dickey's re-election will ensure continuity in leadership and progress on critical initiatives. I urge Fountain Hills voters to support Ginny Dickey for Mayor. Her experience, integrity and balanced approach are exactly what our town needs to thrive.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.