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Towne: Henry Male, the bipartisan


Step right up, step right up! Pick a side, any side! The catch: You only have two options.

I’ve always despised the division culture that has encompassed not only our country, but our town. You are either in the right camp or the wrong camp, but are either right? Who knows, I’m just an 18-year-old heading to journalism school. 

The only way we can combat divisiveness is by promoting compromise and coming together as a community in order to find common ground, which directly comes from our elected town council. This election, we need someone who’s a community member, whose community is at their heart; a person who actively listens to the people, advocates their needs to the council and seeks compromise among council members to find solutions. I know, it’s an unheard phenomenon out of National Geographic’s Ancient Aliens.

I am not easily persuaded by politicians these days, I’m just hard to persuade in general. However, one person on this month’s ballot stands out to me as very impressive, and not just because I know him personally.

Aside from having his wife as my fifth grade teacher and his daughter as an older playmate and role-model as a tot, he is rarely seen in the public eye. A car salesman who is trained to listen to people’s concerns and find the best solutions. A bipartisan who can walk into both camps, reach out his arm and offer to make a deal, one in the best interest of all residents of Fountain Hills, whether you are a conservative or a liberal. He doesn’t care what color you wear on your back, he wants to listen to your concerns. 

I’m voting for Henry Male. I’m voting for bipartisanship. He is neither for the left nor the right, he is for you.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.