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Long: Who I am voting for


Like you, I am planning to vote soon and again in the fall. Though my choices are private, I can tell you who I am planning to vote for. Not by name, of course, but by character.

I am planning on voting for candidates who value truth, compassion, equality, respect, freedom and reason. I am voting for those who I feel can be trusted dealing with challenges in common sense ways and who can negotiate and find compromise. Those who can make decisions based upon evidence and good logic. Those who appreciate and surround themselves with professional staff. I am voting for the candidates who are fair, believe in personal freedom and in justice.

By the same token, I can tell you who I am not voting for. I am not voting for anyone not adhering to the values I just mentioned. I am not voting for a candidate who I do not feel I trust or who is not a good consensus-maker. I am not voting for a candidate coming to the table with an agenda or the agenda of an outside organization. I am not casting a vote for anyone who has violated ethics rules. And finally, I surely will not be voting for anyone who has been convicted as a felon.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.