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Reilly: Trump isn’t responsible assassination attempts


The shocking consensus among some Sun City West retirees seems to be that former President Donald J. Trump was responsible for the two assassination attempts against his life.

I’ve been told Trump has tweeted too often, and his tweets are too “mean-spirited,” so “he was responsible for his own assassination attempts.” Unfortunately, America’s greatest generation is no longer thinking rationally. On the scale of justice, how does political freedom of speech (a Constitutionally guaranteed right) somehow equate with a deadly, criminal response called murder? No sane person would see the actions as equal.

I think the good citizens of Sun City West have been listening far too long to the leftist mass media narrative that Trump is a danger to our Democracy. Nothing could be further from the truth! Communism is the greatest threat to our constitutional republic.

In 2015, Trump came down the golden escalator in Trump Tower and announced his candidacy. With that announcement, Trump became a target and a threat to the establishment status quo. Trump is independently wealthy. Trump can’t be controlled by either party. The media has done its best to smear a man who simply loves America and believes in MAGA. Who can rationally argue with “Make America Great Again?”

I believe God has chosen to use Trump to save America and the world from nuclear destruction and enslavement. We’ve heard the false “Russia, Russia, Russia” narrative. We’ve watched the phony false impeachments. We’ve watched the phony J6 hearings. Why is the left so afraid of Trump?

One of President Trump’s duties when reelected will be to “...take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” (U.S. Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 2). That would include the laws of treason against the U.S.

The left is scared! They will be held legally accountable for their behavior.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

Trump, MAGA