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Nicolai: I’m not a communist because I’m voting for Democrats


A few days ago, a woman wearing a MAGA T-shirt came to my door with a clipboard and asked what issues most interest me.

I told her I was voting Democrat and she said I was a communist! I tried to tell her that’s the opposite and gaslighting, but she walked away and wouldn’t discuss it.

Communists live under dictators, like communist China and Russia! I don’t want Trump to win because I don’t want him to have absolute power to pardon himself from his sentencing after the election, pardon those thugs who are in jail for the Capitol attack and become a dictator like Putin or the other dictators he openly admires.

I want a Democratic Congress too, to restore the Constitutional rights for women’s reproduction and to fight price-gouging.

My family said to say anything publicly puts me at risk from MAGA followers who threaten Democrats. Fear of physical harm is exactly how dictators get hold of a country and how they run their countries. You don’t dare cross them, and that’s Trump’s modus operandi.

I believe it’s better to speak up before we give power to a wannabe dictator or a Congress full of MAGA followers.

Editor’s note: This writer is using a pen name. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.