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Keyword: The Fountains

Scottsdale not the costliest town in Valley for …

Like it or not, Scottsdale is not the the best town to be living in if you’re on a budget. For instance, finding affordable housing has been a stumper for a while now, and the problem …

Scott: Let’s rethink fireworks on Independence Day

Humans embrace their entertainment, but at what cost? With Independence Day again upon us, can we reimagine “patriotism?” Studies of fireworks shows indicate “sharp and …

Long: Who I am voting for

Like you, I am planning to vote soon and again in the fall. Though my choices are private, I can tell you who I am planning to vote for. Not by name, of course, but by character. I am planning on …

Lincoln: Promising CD1 candidate

Neighbors, if you must vote early in the upcoming primary on July 30, do it, but not until you’ve done your legwork on Kim George. She’s the candidate for U.S. House of …

Dime: Choose the best candidate based on performance

You can see it, you can feel it: hate, war, inflation, violent crime on the streets, all under Biden’s watch. Biden and his cohorts have done all the evildoings that fake news propagandists …

Colenso: The power of Independents in an election

Are you unhappy when your chosen candidate wins the primary, and then loses the general election? If so, read on.  Across the country, Republican registered voters are about 30% of the …

Dime: Liberty or authority?

Peace and prosperity since WWII has incentivized Americans to focus on personal pleasures and amusement. Self-reliance has been exchanged for dependencies like drug abuse, carnal fantasies, …

Hover: On the topics of peace and unity

Why is peace and unity so difficult to achieve, not only in world events, but in our own personal lives? Why have so few achieved these two healthy and constructive aspects in their lives? While …

Kalivianakis: The impact of PACs on government

Are political action committees (PACs) good for small towns? PACs are backed by special interest money and make deals to influence elected officials and candidates for elected office. The result is …

Mynars: Seeing history repeat itself

With the heat of the summer upon us, I suspect many of you are spending your afternoons inside watching TV. But is it a good expenditure of your time? To me, “good TV” is an oxymoron, but …

Kavanagh: Thank you, firefighters

I want to thank the many men and women firefighters and their support groups who are battling the raging fires around our state. They have been working tirelessly in 100-plus degrees to keep the …

Schweers: Trump’s claims are outrageous and false

No words are strong enough to express my outrage at MAGA Republicans who would destroy our democracy and rule of law in order to placate a twice-impeached, four-time-indicted person who was found …