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Presant: Understanding spider veins and how to treat them


Spider veins are a common issue that affect many people in a variety of ages. While they often do not pose any serious health issues, they can be a source of discomfort and may make the person feel self-conscious about their appearance. Fortunately, treatments are available to address both the medical and cosmetic issues associated with spider veins.

Understanding what spider veins are, who they affect, and the different treatment options can help you make an informed decision on treating this issue. Let’s look at what spider veins are and how they are often treated for a better understanding of this common vein health issue.

Who do spider veins affect?

Spider veins are a common condition and affects millions of people throughout the world. Spider veins are often more prevalent in women and tend to increase as they age. Many factors contribute to spider vein development such as hormonal changes, genetics, obesity, sun exposure and prolonged sitting or standing. Pregnancy is also a significant risk due to the pressure of the uterus on venous outflow. Certain occupations can also lead to spider veins developing, specifically jobs where you are standing for long periods like teaching, nursing, warehouse work, etc. Simply, increased pressure causes vein walls to stretch, becoming thin and transparent. You are viewing the blood through the thin vein wall. The color reflected back to the eye varies from red to purple or blue.


A couple of different treatments are available to deal with spider veins. Each treatment is effective in its own way and treats different areas of the body. Let’s look at these two different treatments so you can better understand how they work.


Sclerotherapy is the most common form of treatment when it comes to spider veins. This minimally invasive procedure involves injecting a solution into the affected vein. This solution causes the veins to collapse and reabsorb into the body after a short time. The solution injected irritates the blood vessel, causing it to close.

Sclerotherapy is performed in a doctor’s office and doesn’t require any anesthesia. The procedure may treat multiple veins during one procedure and most patients often experience significant improvement after one to three treatments. Side effects are involved as with any medical procedure however they are often minimal and only include slight swelling, bruising and redness. These issues typically resolve within a few days to weeks depending on the intensity of the procedure.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is another popular option when it comes to treating spider veins. This treatment is most used on spider veins that appear on the face. This method of treatment uses focused light energy to target and heat the blood vessels, causing them to collapse and slowly fade away over time. Laser therapy is noninvasive which means it doesn’t involve any injections or incisions to the skin, making it a more attractive option for patients. Laser therapy is performed in a doctor’s office and may require multiple visits to achieve the best results.

Patients of laser therapy may experience some minor discomfort during the procedure but is often well tolerated. Some side effects may occur such as redness, bruising or swelling but these will go away within a week or so. Unfortunately, laser light is limited by shallow depth of penetration, and larger blue veins must be treated by injection or surgical removal.

Spider veins are often a cosmetic issue but can cause physical discomfort for some individuals. Understanding what spider veins are, how to recognize them and knowing they can be treated will help you better deal with this issue. Various treatments are available for spider veins, so it is important to speak with your physician about the best choice for you. These treatments will not only make your skin look better but can also help improve comfort and build back your confidence.

Presant is a doctor of osteopathic medicine, general surgeon by training and a certified diplomat of the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine. Go to https://www.azveindoctor.com/

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