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Eggleston: How to support nonprofits when giving is down


Today in Arizona, 30 families will receive a call asking them to open their home to a child in need of safety and care. The Foster Alliance helps families say “yes” to fostering by providing essential items like new beds, clothes, shoes, diapers and toys at no cost.

With more than 12,000 children in Arizona’s state or tribal foster care, our nonprofit can only fulfill our mission to ensure that children have the resources they need to thrive at every stage of their journey with the generosity of our supporters.

Studies show that donors in swing states like Arizona tend to give less to nonprofits during election years, and this decrease can have serious consequences. In July 2024, The Foster Alliance saw a notable dip in donor support compared to July 2023. This shortfall affects 1,000 infants in need of diapers and 250 foster kids who need a bed or crib. And the situation isn't improving.

We aren’t the only nonprofit experiencing a decrease in donations. But there are many ways the community can get involved and lend a hand.

Unique ways to give

There are several impactful ways to support nonprofits, even during challenging financial times.

  • Donor Advised Funds: Maximize your impact while minimizing your tax burden. DAFs offer tax-deductible contributions and tax-free growth, allowing you to make a significant difference in a foster child’s life.
  • Stock donations: Appreciated assets can mean a brighter future for recipients. By donating stocks, bonds or mutual funds, you’ll receive tax benefits, including a tax receipt for the full value and an exemption from capital gains tax. This is a win-win for both you and those who benefit from your generosity.
  • Legacy or planned giving: Donor generosity today can rewrite someone’s future. By including a nonprofit in your will or trust, you ensure that your savings become a lifesaver for those in need, creating a lasting legacy of hope for generations.

How businesses can get involved

Businesses can play a crucial role in supporting foster children across Arizona. Our partnership with Mercy Care allowed us to expand services through a mobile unit, reaching underserved areas like Yuma, Tucson and Window Rock. Desert Financial Credit Union is building over 400 bikes for foster children this holiday season.

By donating dollars or time, businesses can make a lasting impact while meeting their social responsibility goals. Partnerships offer long-term benefits to both the business and the community, from marketing exposure to employee engagement opportunities.

Making smaller gifts over time can make a big impact

Many people think only large donations make a difference, but small, consistent gifts can be just as impactful. For example, giving $10 a month equals a $120 donation over the year, but feels lighter on your wallet. Small, regular donations add up and provide reliable support for your favorite cause. For example, even picking up one essential item — such as diapers, socks or underwear — on each shopping trip can make a huge difference for children in need.

Seek out volunteer opportunities

Donating your time is one of the most meaningful ways to give back. Volunteers allow nonprofits to stretch their budgets further by helping with tasks that would otherwise require paid staff. Here are some key ways that volunteers can provide support:

  • Host a drive: You can organize donation drives from the comfort of your home or office.
  • Help at a resource center: Assist families in finding the resources they need.
  • Sew fleece baby blankets: Create warm, comforting blankets for infants.
  • Assemble care kits or backpacks: Pack personal care kits for teens or backpacks filled with essentials and love for children.
  • Lead volunteer groups: Help coordinate a group of volunteers for maximum impact.
  • Create gift packages: Put together special gifts for a child’s birthday. For example, The Foster Alliance distributes personalized Birthday Dream Bags decorated by volunteers.
  • Warehouse support: Keep operations running smoothly by helping out in nonprofits’ warehouses.

Now more than ever, Arizona nonprofits need your help to continue serving thousands of children and families. Together, we can create a brighter future for each child.

Editor’s note: Bethany Eggleston is vice president of development and marketing for The Foster Alliance. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.