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Dime: Power, not service, is what politics has become


What’s lawfare all about? What’s economic stratification, tribal politics, social justice, equity all about?

The privileged 1% plutocracy can speak morally and act immorally because they can buy their way out of most anything. The plutocrats, owning and controlling the majority of wealth, break promise after promise and still, generation after generation, the poorest victims support the latest mouthpiece. Plutocrats sing the sad song of victimhood fully knowing that their cruel policy-making keeps the poorest 30% poor. 

For the past three-plus years the perversive social programs imposed by the 1% elites have made America’s middle-class citizens, the 70% majority, struggle under the economic strain. The elitists have convinced the poorest 30% they deserve welfare as a donation from the middle class. The 1% elitists are always eager to give away somebody else’s hard-earned money. All the middle-class Eloi want is to celebrate their faith, family and freedom without pressure from the blue Morlocks to take them down into an underground demise. 

Power, not service, is what politics has become. Full power is demanded. It starts by controlling who decides what babies are born and what babies are terminated, the power to control where you live, what you drive, how you worship, what you eat. Even the power to lock you down in your own home and decided who does or doesn’t get medical treatment. The ultimate seizure of political power is controlling what you get to hear and read, and what you get to say.

The true shareholders of America are its legal citizens. Citizens, only legal citizens, elect representatives to be temporary shareholders/bureaucrats working for their benefit. Many elected bureaucrats have decided to ignore the citizens and impose their own personal/ideological preferences.

Social and economic control is the opposite of democracy; it is systemic slavery. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.