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Stander: Shameful political advertising


Carine Werner is running for the State Senate in Legislative District 4, but her ignorance of federal law belies her readiness for office.

Her campaign promises securing our border to protect our children from drug dealers bringing fentanyl into Arizona. Someone should educate her and her supporters and the Arizona Senate Victory Fund, that border issues are the purview of the federal government, not the Arizona State Legislature.

They should also inform the Arizona State Victory Fund, an independent expenditure organization for the Republican Party alleging that “Christine Marsh supports open borders” is not only a lie, but a vicious and hurtful slight. Anyone who follows what transpired in the State Legislature knows that it was State Senator Christine Marsh who, after losing her son to fentanyl poisoning, authored the bipartisan bill legalizing fentanyl test strips that Governor Ducy signed into law.

And no candidate knows more about protecting our kids while improving our schools and adequately increasing teachers’ pay than the 2016 Teacher of the Year, Christine Marsh, whose teaching career spanned 32 years.

The Arizona Senate Victory Fund should remove all the slanderous road signs they have posted and publicly apologize to State Senator Christine Marsh. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.