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Loffer: Support Hamway for mayor


I’ve had the good fortune to call Mary Hamway my friend for many years. I have seen her leadership skills on full display. She’s not only smart, resourceful and collaborative, but she’s also strategic, thoughtful, empathetic. Her baking skills are the stuff of legend and she’s a whole lot of fun.

She’s savvy and well informed. I have witnessed her meet many challenges that have come her way. She’s deliberative and has a quiet resolve that her friends and our community can depend on.

Mary’s traits will translate well to the job of mayor: a proven leader, a community builder and a problem solver.

As a friend, I know Mary to be steadfast, discreet, loyal and always respectful in a chaotic world that throws many people off course. Please join me in voting for Mary Hamway for mayor.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.