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Gunn; Pseudo pro-worker Prop 499 would dismantle Glendale economy


This election presents Glendale voters with a measure that threatens our city’s economy. Proposition 499, while masquerading as pro-worker, would make Glendale unable to compete in the hotel and event industry with neighboring cities like Phoenix and Scottsdale.

As CEO of the Glendale Chamber of Commerce, I urge you to vote no on this potentially devastating proposal.

Funded by out-of-state labor union Unite Here and its political arm, Worker Power, this measure is their attempt to bring California proposals to our back yard. After failing with a similar proposal in Anaheim, they have decided to set their sights on Glendale.

Proposition 499 is deeply unfair. It will force Glendale hotels and event spaces to pay a $20 an hour minimum wage – jumping to $40 an hour for many shifts – while only exempting hotels that are willing to sign a union contract.

Similar ordinances have had disastrous effects in California, resulting in reduced hours and layoffs for employees, higher prices for travelers, and new costs for taxpayers. Glendale cannot afford to follow this failed model.

It's not just workers who stand to lose. Prop 499 would force Glendale hotels to significantly raise room rates to cover the increased costs.

As a result, many travelers may look to other Valley cities for more affordable accommodations. This tilted playing field could devastate Glendale businesses that depend on tourist traffic, from restaurants and retail stores to entertainment venues.

The economic impact extends even further. As Glendale becomes less competitive in the tourism market, we risk losing major revenue-generating events like conferences, concerts, and sporting events to neighboring cities.

The ripple effect would be felt across our community, hitting hard at the heart of Glendale's economy.

Consider the potential impact on our prized venues and attractions: Local venues like the Glendale Civic Center, high school and university auditoriums, and our high school football stadiums, in addition to the existing hotel and convention center spaces, which host numerous tournaments and events, would struggle to attract out-of-town teams and their families.

Local hotel convention centers could lose business to more competitive cities. Even popular destinations like Topgolf could see a decline in visitors as overall tourism to Glendale decreases. Finally, hotel chains that have been looking at Glendale as the next city to place one of their hotels are now hesitating in their decision, understanding the potential added costs to their business due to Proposition 499.

Taxpayers, too, will bear the burden of this ill-conceived measure. Proposition 499 requires the city to establish a new government agency, the Department of Labor Standards, to monitor compliance but provides no funding mechanism.

At an estimated cost of $1 million to establish this new government agency, the city will be forced to either cut its budget, including essential services like public safety, or raise taxes on residents. Neither option is acceptable for the community.

It’s important to know that Proposition 499 is not a grassroots effort. It’s being pushed by out-of-state (California) interests with no regard for our city. They’re using Glendale as a testing ground for their agenda.

The Glendale Chamber of Commerce firmly supports the right of workers to earn a fair wage, yet this bill falls short of that aim. Instead, it threatens to harm those it seeks to protect by triggering job losses, stifling economic growth, and raising taxes.

Rather than empowering workers, Proposition 499 would erode the very foundations of our community's prosperity, jeopardizing both businesses and employees alike.

The choice is clear: we can protect Glendale’s future by rejecting this scheme or watch our economy crumble under misguided regulations. This ordinance will lead to hotel layoffs, higher room rates, and a loss of tourism revenue to cities without these mandates.

As business leaders and community members, we must safeguard Glendale's prosperity. I urge all Glendale voters to consider the implications of this measure. By voting no on Proposition 499, we can preserve our city's competitive edge, protect jobs, and ensure Glendale remains a thriving destination.

Let’s choose a future of economic vibrancy and well-being. Vote no on Proposition 499. Glendale’s future depends on it.