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Cerreta: Glendale candy factory owner backs Hugh


Cerreta Candy Company is proud to call Glendale home for more than 50 years, and I'm proud to support Councilman Ian Hugh.

Council member Hugh is a proven leader with deep roots in Glendale. His leadership and
unwavering dedication to our community has been instrumental in turning Glendale from a city on the brink of bankruptcy to a thriving city we all enjoy today.

Councilman Hugh's willingness to make the tough decisions during difficult times has ensured that our city's finances are managed responsibly, reflecting his commitment to prudent stewardship of our tax dollars.

A key aspect of council member Hugh's success has been his ability to ke.ep taxes low while still delivering essential city services. This fiscal prudence not only helps local
businesses but also alleviates the financial burden on Glendale families, fostering a more prosperous community for all.

Moreover, Councilman Hugh has worked tirelessly to make Glendale a business-friendly city. His efforts to streamline regulations and promote economic development has attracted major employers and high-quality jobs to the city.

Under his leadership, Glendale has become the economic hub of the West Valley.

Ian Hugh's track record of success, commitment to fiscal responsibility, and dedication to fostering a business-friendly environment has been a catalyst for significant job creation and economic development in our city.

I urge Glendale residents to re-elect council member Ian Hugh and to support his continued efforts to keep Glendale on a path of prosperity and growth.