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Letter: Powell's quote disturbing


I was quite disturbed by newcomer Rep. Khyl Powell’s comments in the August Independent Elections article by Tom Blodgett. Mr. Powell pledged to stand up against diversity, equity, and inclusion. Is Mr. Powell saying he doesn't want a diverse Gilbert, where everyone in our community is treated equally and is included? Should we conclude that he only wants a Gilbert that looks like him? A caucasian Gilbert? 

He goes on to say he will stand up against woke ideology. I wonder if Mr. Powell has ever looked up the definition of the word "woke." It means to have an awareness of social inequities, such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBTQ+ rights. However, from his earlier statements, we know Mr. Powell doesn't care to be aware of such things. That doesn't appear to be on his agenda. Again, it almost makes one conclude that unless you are a white Republican, Mr. Powell has made it clear he does not want your vote.

Khyl Powell