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Schanus-Gohl: Open versus closed meetings


In a recent campaign mailer sent by Gerry Friedel, he lists some items in his quasi-Fountain Hills Voter Guide which I view as misinformation – at best.

One of his points of distinction between himself and Mayor Ginny Dickey is that Friedel “advocates for open town meetings” and Mayor Dickey “prefers closed door meetings.” I ask, where did Friedel come up with this wild comparison?

There are subjects that the Town Council may discuss in private, which is why executive sessions (“closed meetings” required by state statute) exist. Councilmembers, the town manager, the town attorney, or the mayor can request an agenda item, but the town attorney decides if the agenda item warrants an executive session. The attorney will review any requests to determine if they are the proper subject of an executive session in accordance with state law.

Check out the Fountain Hills Rules of Procedure for yourself: fountainhillsaz.gov/DocumentCenter/View/244/Rules-of-Procedure---September-6-2023?bidId=.

Ironically, it was Gerry Friedel who requested an executive session regarding the findings of ethical violations by Allen Skillicorn.

Since Mayor Ginny Dickey was first elected mayor of Fountain Hills in 2018, she has been a transparent, approachable, fair, dependable mayor of the town, never hesitating to consult with the town attorney for his advice to ensure that the council is following proper procedures.

Join me in voting for Ginny Dickey, the only qualified leader running for mayor of Fountain Hills.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.