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Reveles: Religious season celebrates border-crossing migrant family


The following was a statement made at the Dec. 20 meeting of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors:

Another week, another illustration of the importance of dedication to truth, transparency and accountability.

Putrid words spoken recently by the campaigning leader of the Republican Party.

Pimping for votes of the racists among us, with his venomous words that the immigrants coming to the U.S. (quote) are poisoning the blood of our country (unquote).

Echoing the German Nazi leader’s words supported by his Italian and Japanese allies that led to the killing of six million Jews and five million non-Jews, all within my lifetime. Words in a political campaign do lead to deadly action.

Trump’s words scraping the depths of hypocrisy by spewing his anti-immigrant venom during Christianity’s most joyful Christmas season.

The religious season which celebrates the desert border-crossing migrant family of Joseph and Mary seeking refuge for the prophetic birth of the child Jesus.

In stark contrast, there seems to be no end to the filth and evil that spews from the mind of the leader of the violent attempt to overthrow our democratic republic.

Remarks by the criminally indicted former president as he seeks to escape accountability for his illegal attempts at stealing our election.

And yet we continue to witness Trump’s dedicated but deluded supporters openly applauding his vile words, words of admiration for autocratic dictators who also seek the overthrow of our government.

Finally, Mr. chairman, more pious words for reflection by Pinal County’s own anti-immigrant elected officials and their supporters:

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

Yes, let the discussion initiated by Sheriff Lamb continue; let’s investigate who’s destroying our country and our moral values.

Merry Christmas to members of the board and your constituents.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

opinion, letters