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The future of democracy and ballot questions to be discussed at October 9th meeting


The next Northwest Valley Democrats meeting will partner with the acting group, Defenders of Democracy, to present a moving 30-minute dramatic readers’ theater piece entitled “It Can’t Happen Here – Again.” The event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th at the Sun City West Foundation Bldg., 14465 RH Johnson Blvd., Sun City West. Doors open at 6 pm and the meeting starts at 6:30 pm. This event is free! Please RSVP at www.northwestvalleydemocrat.com under Events.
In recent years there has been a rise in far-right extremism, including white supremacy and anti-government groups. Increased violence shrouded in the pretense of “saving America,” has occurred, such as the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and the 2021 US Capitol riot. Some actions are presumably taken on behalf of civic laws, family values or religion like delegitimizing elections, suppressing voter registration, blaming a particular group for societal issues, censoring books, attacking the media and promoting authoritarian policies like Project 25. These examples highlight the ongoing presence and possible evolution of fascist tendencies in the US.
“It Can’t Happen Here – Again,” is an adaptation of the 1935 book by Sinclair Lewis entitled “It Can’t Happen Here” which, as World War II unfolded, explored the possibility of fascism overcoming the US government. The fictional book draws numerous parallels to today’s headline despite being written almost 90 years ago! In their dramatic reading, actors will explore these parallels and challenge you to realize the importance of your vote in any election. All are invited to this free event regardless of political affiliation.
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In a separate presentation, Civic Engagement Beyond Voting will discuss the pros and cons of the 15 ballot referendum questions that will appear on ballots, making it a 2-page ballot requiring votes on both sides of each page. Be prep