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Shaw: In response to recent claims about immigration


Given the challenge made by Mr. Dime that his “facts are easy to verify,” I want to note that, according to a rightwing anti-immigration website (fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers-2023), the total cost of illegal immigration is not his “over $500 billion,” but rather $150.7 billion.

Still a large sum, but there are many studies from less obviously biased organizations that show that immigrants contribute to the labor force, stimulate demand in various industries and foster economic growth. Longer-term, they help maintain a favorable ratio of workers to retirees, supporting our aging population and our below replacement birth rates.  

Full disclosure, I am not an “open border” zealot. Sadly, both parties have failed to update our immigration laws and asylum over the past 40 years. The last attempt included a gang of six senators, including our own John McCain. The fact remains that we need immigration. Ironically, the vaunted Trump wall is apparently easy to breach – 11 times per day in 2022 (Cato Institute 12/30/22).  

As to the allegations that Ukraine is pilfering, misplacing or wasting the aid, I am unable to find any credible source to support that assertion. Mr. Dime seems to be a Putin supporter and has already called them the victor.  

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.