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Sewa Diwali: A celebration of giving


The end of November drew the curtains on yet another edition of Sewa Diwali Food drive by the Hindu community of Chandler.

Since 2018, The Indic (Dharmic) organizations of the U.S. have been pursuing the Sewa Diwali food drive.

The drive serves in two distinct ways. First, the food collected aids the less fortunate among us here in American communities.

Secondly, in the process of sewa (the act of selfless giving) communities bonds together.

The spirit of the drive being that one cannot be happy and thrive while there are our own that are suffering. Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh is a Hindu faith-based nonprofit organization that participates and drives this campaign alongside several Dharmic organizations and elected offices as equality stake holders.

This year, in Arizona, Sewa Diwali was promptly kicked off Oct. 16. Led by the Hindu Americans and the Indian Americans across the valley, the drive collected packed / nonperishable food from communities and neighborhoods.

Grocery chains, elected officials and offices acted as participants and collection points. There were more than 20 dedicated collection centers all across the valley.

HSS partnered with more than 15 organizations to bring the broader Dharmic Communities to bring the broader community together towards this noble cause. We witnessed a phenomenal commitment, zeal and enthusiasm by individuals and organizations to maximize the collection and make the event successful.

More than 5,000 pounds of food were collected. The hallmark of the Sewa Diwali Initiative this year was that it was thoroughly driven by teenage volunteers of HSS and other organizations.

The culmination ceremony for Sewa Diwali was held at the Tumbleweed Park outside the recreation center on Dec. 3. Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke was the guest of honor to the event that was graced by the community at large and all the participant organizations.

Over the next week, the families would be delivering the collected food to several Native American communities in the State. Organizers are very grateful to all the Donors, participant organizations, our communities and our very own Karyakarthas (volunteers) for the effort in bringing the light of Diwali into the lives of the less fortunate whilst lighting up a lamp of content and fulfilment in their own.