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Ronca: The choice seems clear


Like many of us, I attended the mayoral candidate forum hosted by the Chamber, FHCCA and sponsored by SRP. What an interesting comparison of positions, experience and vision!

But it wasn’t until I saw the resulting “FH Chamber Legislative Report,” which rated each mayoral candidate including their answers to written questions, an interview and perceptions of the forum, that the chamber had really reinforced the very opinion that I had about the three candidates: Mayor Ginny Dickey, Councilperson Gerry Friedel, and Joe Arpaio.

It seemed clear to me that Mayor Dickey understands the relationship between residents, growth and businesses. She recognizes the impacts coming with an aging community. She knows the impact of a strong relationship with the Fountain Hills Unified School District. And we live in one of the safest communities in the state.

Time after time – at the forum and in written answers – in comparison with the others, she has a clear vision of what it takes for our town to prosper. Her rating on the chamber’s legislative report is an “A.” The competition both got a “C.”

Ginny Dickey has experience volunteering and eight years of experience on our local school board (she was president of the board twice). She has eight years of experience as a town councilperson. She now has six years of experience as our mayor. Experience shows. Experience counts.

And you know what else? Including the Councilpersons Forum held the week before, almost to a person, each candidate states at some point how great our community is; how they don’t want that to change. That sunk in with me. I don’t want that to change, either. I’m voting to re-elect Mayor Ginny Dickey.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.