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Reinhardt: Concerned about Apache Trail


I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the potential changes to Apache Trail. As a long-standing member of the community and someone who deeply appreciates the historical and cultural significance of this iconic route, I would like to advocate for the preservation of Apache Trail as a graded dirt road with minimal improvements.

Apache Trail, a cherished pathway that has been in use for over a century, holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike. Its rugged terrain, stunning vistas, and authentic Wild West atmosphere provide a unique experience that cannot be replicated by modern paved roads. This road has witnessed the passage of time and stands as a testament to our heritage and connection to the past.

While it is natural to consider improvements and developments in the interest of progress, I believe that such actions could inadvertently harm the essence of Apache Trail. Increasing traffic and making extensive improvements to the road could compromise its historical integrity, diminishing the authentic experience that it currently offers. The charm of Apache Trail lies in its unpaved nature, which encourages travelers to slow down, appreciate the surroundings, and immerse themselves in the history that this road embodies.

By keeping Apache Trail as a graded dirt road with only minimal improvements, we can ensure that its character remains intact. This approach would serve as a responsible compromise, allowing for necessary maintenance without altering the road’s essential attributes. It would also help in managing traffic, as the road’s natural limitations discourage excessive use, thus preserving its serene atmosphere.

I kindly urge you to consider the lasting impact that altering Apache Trail might have on the community, the environment, and the historical significance of the road. I understand that there may be competing interests, but I firmly believe that a balanced solution can be achieved — one that respects the past while looking to the future.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter. I hope that together we can safeguard the legacy of Apache Trail for generations to come.

Phil Reinhardt

Apache Trail