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Reilly: Christians must get out and vote


CatholicVote recently reported that a study by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University found that millions of religious people, most of whom are Christians, report that they will not vote in November’s election. The article is quoted as saying, “Among Christians, it is estimated that 46 million church-attending Protestants … will not participate in the election.”

As Christians, we’re called to be “soldiers for Christ.” We’re also called to “expose evil.” How do Christians expose evil? In America, in a time of extreme censorship, Christians should be in prayer and ask God for divine guidance to determine which candidate should get their vote. On one side, we see the radical left that has convinced America to turn away from God. On the other side we see everyday Americans who want to see America righteous again.

On one side, we see politicians stripping the wealth of America and sending it overseas to finance questionable wars. The redistribution of wealth to foreign nations is always an element in communistic takeovers. The redistribution of our wealth is a classic double-edged sword. Not only does the current administration steal our wealth but we the people get to pay for newly printed wealth that’s created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve.

In the end, we have to pay taxes on the newly created funds, and we also have to endure the inflation caused by creating more dollars to send overseas. FEMA is said to be bankrupt and cannot help the victims of Hurricane Helene in the southeastern U.S.

President Trump survived an assassin’s bullet for us. I believe God intervened to save Trump’s life. Consider the following:  “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov.14:34).

Christians, it’s time to stand-up and vote to save America!

Editor’s note: For information on FEMA’s response to rumors in the wake of Hurricane Helene, visit https://www.fema.gov/disaster/current/hurricane-helene/rumor-response. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.