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Ramirez: We are in coyotes' territory


I was a bit taken aback by the article, “Coyote kills Sun City dogs.”

Though it is always sad to hear that someone’s fur baby has passed, especially in this way, I don’t condone inhumane treatment towards any animal.

To be given the suggestion of filling a high pressure water gun with ammonia to “irritate their mucus membranes with a burning sensation,” is cruel to me.

The article even states that coyotes were here well before Sun City was established. Yes they were. We’re in their territory.

I live in Sun City where the coyotes often have a thoroughfare through our backyards but they’ve never bothered us. Chapping your hands and yelling gets them to move on if they linger. Filling a water gun with ammonia ... not cool.

I know we all have different opinions about them. This is mine.

Michelle Ramirez

coyotes, Sun City