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Foti: Woolbright a 'sleeping giant'


When Japan bombed the USS Arizona, it picked a fight with the United States. A sleeping giant woke in the American people that day. Phillip Woolbright has opponents picking on him similar to the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor. Now, Woolbright woke like a sleeping giant.

Arizonans want Woolbright because he practices humility, has a humble spirit, delivers equal justice under the law and is a great judge. He has the same resolve and the same determination as the American people. Woolbright has said “I have just begun to fight for the community I love.” He is a true patriot, All-American, Republican and conservative.

We need Woolbright because we need honest people in government. Honest people are hard to find. Sometimes the only people we have to vote for are just looking for a job and to take advantage of the system. Money seems to dictate the behavior of some government officials and money seems to dictate their moral compass.

Woolbright is honest to the voter and cannot be bought or pushed out.

We want a place of solitude to find truth, justice, resolution. Our community wants fairness in our courtrooms. The people need confidence in our judiciary with an impartial judge. All of these things we will find with Woolbright as our Justice of the Peace.

We all remember what happened to Japan after the bombing on Pearl Harbor. Woolbright has opponents that have attacked him. His opponents woke a sleeping giant. Woolbright has the atomic love of the people behind him to deliver a victory for us all.

Diana Foti is director of the Judicial Watch Group of Associates in Peoria.