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Erickson: Shocked by Ducey's view of Trump


I read with astonishment Doug Ducey’s comments about ex-president Trump.

You say justice itself should not be weaponized. I agree, and I also agree the people need to have a say in this. Remember, the people have spoken. It is the DA’s job to bring evidence to the people, who indicts the guilty party, not the actual DA or prosecutor?

In this case follow the evidence, if it shows that he is guilty, he should be held accountable, whether he is a president, a king or an ordinary person.

No one should be held above the law! That goes for Biden’s son, etc. Follow the evidence Ducey, not rhetoric or false narrative.

Trump has lied and cheated his way to the top his whole life. It is time he is held accountable for his misdeeds, of which there are many.

Sally Erickson

Trump, Ducey