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Doctor: How to keep your lungs healthy during wildfire season


Wildfire season is expected to be even more catastrophic in 2022 than it has been in previous years — With temperatures getting warmer by the day, the number of wildfires that form in Arizona increases leading to more wildfire smoke.

Breathing in wildfire smoke can have immediate and negative impacts on your health, causing symptoms like coughing, trouble breathing and asthma attacks.

Fortunately, there are several ways to naturally protect your health during wildfire season besides just staying indoors.

One way to protect your lungs from wildfire smoke is to make sure your house and car filters are up-to-date. Your car cabin filter and your home air filter help you breathe fresher, cleaner air. Replacing your air filters can also protect them from becoming clogged after being near a wildfire. Your car filter should be changed once a year or every 15,000 to 30,000 miles and your home filter should be checked at least once a month.

Himalayan salt therapy, also known as halotherapy, is an alternative treatment for lung problems that can work to improve your breathing by inhaling air with tiny salt particles. Salt therapy was developed in the 1800s when it was discovered that Polish miners did not have any respiratory conditions and were surprisingly healthy considering they worked in mines all day.

Since the air the miners inhaled included the tiny salt particles, their lungs were protected from allergies and infections. There are now several spa treatments and products available that allow you to breathe in the same salty air.

Adding moisture to the air through a diffuser can also protect your lungs and make it easier to breathe. This is especially beneficial when you are breathing in wildfire smoke, as the tiny particles in the smoke can result in coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and so on Diffusers are known for emitting essential oils into the air for your body to absorb. Essential oils such as eucalyptus or rosemary work to heal your lungs and decrease respiratory symptoms.

Herbs are another natural and effective way to strengthening your lungs and prepare them for the wildfire smoke. Consuming herbs such as turmeric, ginger, licorice root, ginseng, and cayenne pepper through tea or within your food can help sooth irritated respiratory tissue and improve your breathing. Herbs can also be used as a remedy for asthma, allergies, illness, and many other health conditions.

While it is highly recommended to stay indoors and keep windows and doors shut during a wildfire, these are just a few other ways that you can help your lungs stay healthy and provide additional protection during fire season.

Cleaning your home and car filters, Himalayan salt therapy, air diffusers and herbs are all natural ways that you can protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of an emergency.

It is important that you keep yourself safe this wildfire season, especially if you live in more fire prone areas.

About the author

Dr. Loreena Ryder is a naturopathic physician at Naturopathic Physicians Group in Scottsdale.