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Dawood: What to expect when getting a root canal


Hearing the words “root canal” is enough to make anyone cringe. However, getting a root canal isn’t as painful and scary as they once were. In fact, modern root canals are like getting fillings and can be done in usually two appointments.

When getting a root canal, it is normal to have questions and concerns before having the procedure. Having been a dentist for three years in the Valley, with a total of 10 years in the dental field, here is what you can expect if you ever need to have a root canal.

When do you need a root canal?

If you have an infected tooth or a tooth is decaying into the center of the tooth, you will need a root canal. When decay or infection spreads to the nerve in the center of the tooth, root canals are a good option to end your pain and save your tooth. Your dentist does this by removing the dead or dying tissue living inside the tooth and cleaning that area of any bacteria.

Some common signs your tooth may be infected include:

  • Sensitive to hot
  • Pain when chewing
  • Pain wakes you up at night
  • Darkening of the tooth

It is also common that you may experience no symptoms at all, while the bacteria is brewing inside of your tooth. Having your dentist take an x-ray and running a few tests can help identify an infected tooth even when there are no signs you have a problem.

What is the procedure?

First your dentist will x-ray your tooth to determine the size and shape of the root, looking for any signs of infection. This may be done at a previous appointment or on the same day. You will then receive local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding area. Many dentists will use a dental dam around the tooth to keep the area dry and free of contamination while cleaning. Once the anesthesia has kicked in, the dentist will use special tools to open the center of the tooth and conduct a pulpectomy. The pulpectomy removes decayed tissue, bacteria and any diseased pulp.

After the pulpectomy the dentist will fill the root canals with a biocompatible material that seals the tooth. You can expect to receive a dental crown to protect the structure of the new healthy tooth.

How long is recovery?

After the procedure most people go back to their normal lives within a day. Full recovery typically takes five to seven days. Taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help any discomfort during this time. Root canals are a minimally invasive procedure and don’t require any down time.

While recovering you may feel a little sore, but you will be able to continue with your daily life eating and drinking as you normally would. If you notice any swelling or have increased pain, contact your dentist.

How much does it cost?

Root canal treatments vary in price depending on what procedures are needed. The average cost for a root canal is between $1,000 and $3,000. Having dental insurance typically takes care of most of the cost but it is always a good idea to contact your provider before having the procedure.

Root canal treatments have a reputation of being painful but with modern techniques this is no longer the case. If you notice any discomfort with a tooth, it is best to contact a dentist as soon as possible so the situation doesn’t worsen. Having the root canal treatment done quickly will allow you to go back to enjoying the foods you want and smiling once again without the discomfort. An infected pulp of the tooth will never recover on its own. However, if a patient prefers not to treat an infected tooth with a root canal, other treatment options are available.

Editor’s note: Revan Dawood, DMD, is the owner of Glisten Dental Studio in Gilbert. Dr. Dawood received her doctoral degree in dentistry from Midwestern University in Glendale. Dr. Dawood specializes in cosmetics and dental implants as well as general dentistry.