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CONSERVATION: Restaurants should charge for water


I know this may sound absurd at first glance, but if you think about it can be beneficial to all of us.

Many times when I frequent a restaurant the very first thing the server gives me is a glass of water filled with ice whether I want it or not, which incidentally is much appreciated because I drink a lot of water. However, many times I see other people get the same treatment and yet they never touch the water. This is such a waste of water. Restaurants should charge for water I suggest a nominal fee — let us say 25 cents.

Charging for water would help in many ways:

• The server will not have to take time to find you a glass of water before finding out if you actually want water, therefore serving you faster.

• Refills would not be necessary therefore allowing servers to attend to you or others’ needs.

• The glass would not take up room on your table and being there would be subject to being spilled therefore requiring cleanup and more waste of time.

• There would be less water used for cleaning these glasses.

• There would be less water needed to make the ice cubes.

• Less cleaning of glasses would mean less soap and water uselessly going into our sewer system.

• Ultimately, less electricity used for cleaning glasses and making ice.

If you think about this when you go to a fast food restaurant, they don’t offer you water unless you ask for it and then normally there is a charge because it is bottled water. If you feel that being charged for water is wrong then you can probably bring your own bottled water to a restaurant.

Many people will not drink water that comes out of a faucet and they do bring their own bottled water with them.

I know this sounds petty, but we need to save water when and where we can and if restaurants charging for water is one way to do it, they should.I hope restaurant owners are thinking about this idea.

Robert L. Wheat