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Breen: Letter writer misses irony in call for dictatorship


David Postgate stated in the April 21 edition of the Daily Independent that Donald Trump should be given “the authority to do whatever needs to be done before it is too late for everyone.”

Mr. Postgate believes that Trump must be reinstated as POTUS to “restore sanity to the Earth, get Biden and his co-conspirators out of Washington.”

In the beginning, however, he talks about dictators like Putin, Hitler and Stalin, citing their evil deeds. However, doesn’t Mr. Postgate realize that giving Trump “total control” puts him into the category of the above referenced dictators?

Finally, the author urges us to read “the Book of Revelation in the Bible, Chapter 15 if you dare.” Perhaps he should read Matthew 7:15 — “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.