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Benson: Medicare Advantage program needs bipartisan support


Sooner or later, every Arizona senior will have health care challenges.

And that can mean both unanticipated expenses and sleepless nights.

I was fortunate that, when I needed to have my hip replaced last year, I had Medicare Advantage to depend on. My plan covered not only the surgical procedure, but also my medications, follow-up appointments and any rehabilitation I would’ve needed to get me back on my feet.

Medicare Advantage even covers my gym membership so I stay strong and healthy.

Needing surgery can be a scary thing. Knowing I was covered helped eliminate much of the worry.

Over 637,000 Arizonans like me rely on Medicare Advantage. While much of politics has become polarized, I’m grateful this important program receives bipartisan support, including from Northeast Valley Rep. David Schweikert, Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly, and other members of Arizona’s delegation.

That’s a good thing!