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Keyword: Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board

Services scheduled for Gilbert Public Schools …

Services for Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board President Sheila Rogers Uggetti have been scheduled as the school district prepares to move on without its longtime champion. Funeral services …

With bond off table, Gilbert Public Schools considers …

Gilbert Public Schools will forgo an attempt to acquire a bond this fall to address its capital needs, but the district will ask voters for permission to sell two plots of land it owns.   …

Gilbert Public Schools leader emphasizes community …

Gilbert Public Schools Superintendent Shane McCord called on the community to keep a “watchful eye” on its children to ensure what happened to San Tan Valley teen Preston Lord does not …

Gilbert Public Schools urges caution in interpreting …

The Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board unanimously approved the district fiscal year 2022-23 annual financial report, but did so with a caution to anyone who wades into it.  

Gilbert Public Schools board revises 2-year-old …

The Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board approved a revision to its annual financial report from back in fiscal year 2021-22 at its Sept. 26 meeting.   The revision from two years ago …

New Gilbert Public Schools tool tracks student …

Gilbert Public Schools has unveiled a new tool for high school students and families to see if the student is on the path toward graduation.   The new graduation tracker resides on …

Gilbert Public Schools reports sharp enrollment loss

Gilbert Public Schools is looking at a possible loss this year of 600 students in “average daily membership,” a key enrollment figure in the state’s education funding formula, …

Gilbert Public Schools board approves 2023-24 budgets

The Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board unanimously approved a smaller maintenance and operations budget and a larger unrestricted capital budget for fiscal year 2023-24 at its June 20 meeting. …

Gilbert Public Schools refers override, bond to …

The Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board voted May 16 to put two financial issues  on the November ballot. The district will ask voters to continue its 15% maintenance and operations …

Gilbert Public Schools moves to help lagging K-3 …

Gilbert Public Schools is purchasing a supplementary reading intervention resource for kindergarten through third-grade students who need additional help reaching the state’s reading …

Gilbert Public Schools employees getting 3% raises

Most Gilbert Public Schools employees will have 3% raises next year after Governing Board action at a special meeting April 11.  The meeting was held for the sole purpose of the board …

Gilbert Public Schools examines budget, plans to …

While Gilbert Public Schools awaits word from the Capitol on what its funding will be in fiscal year 2023-24, the district is prepared to close an anticipated $12.26 million deficit in a key …