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Keyword: Elections

Muscato: I am accountable to serve you in CD8

Arizona’s Congressional District 8 has a unique historical opportunity to elect a congressman born and raised in this district. This isn’t an election between a Republican and a Democrat; it’s an election between a career politician and one of our own.

Goncalves: What has happened to civility?

I just returned from the Sun City West Post Office where I was attacked verbally because I have a Trump 2020 magnet on my car. As I was about to get into my car, a woman stopped her car in back of …

Tyree: I am committed to serving you in Arizona Senate

Neighbors and friends, my name is Sarah Tyree and I want to earn your vote to be the next state senator for Legislative District 22.

Curley: Offers idea to help some voters

I have an idea for the good people. There are residents in Sun City West who are looking forward to voting in the upcoming election and need some assistance. They do not drive and want to vote. …

Bialek: Says Trump has failed, hails Biden

President Trump, you have had almost four years to lead the United States and have failed us by your own choosing. Whether it be in foreign policy and domestic policy, you have not protected the …

Hawn: Election makes residents keep to themselves

As a Sun City West resident for 29 years, I’m deeply troubled by the direction we’re heading and it’s getting worse with each day’s front-page headline. We’ve become …

Wilson: Calls for civility in discourse

The recent debate was disgraceful. Moderator Chris Wallace was not able to control Trump’s interruptions. I like Chris Wallace and watch his show every Sunday, but he did the public a …

Webb: Skeptical? Just read the Senate report

A special thanks to the GOP-led investigation into the 2016 presidential election and Russian interference. It was a bipartisan investigation whose sole purpose was to state the evidence found by the …

Bialek: Calls on votes for Joe Biden

President Trump, you have had almost four years to lead the United States and have failed us by your own choosing. Whether it be in foreign policy or domestic policy, you have not protected the …

Mendivil: Supports Sen. McSally for Senate

I have been listening to the extremely aggressive and negative commercials that Mark Kelly is presenting against Sen. Martha McSally. I find them disturbing, especially when a lot of his quotes …

Goncalves: Calls for president's reelection

An open letter to the person or persons who are stealing Trump lawn signs: I would like to know — what are you afraid of? Is the thought of President Donald Trump being reelected …

Prince: Defends Electoral College

While I wholeheartedly agree with Howie Verrille’s recent commentary (“Resident calls for reform of campaign, election laws,” Daily Independent, Aug. 26, 2020), in which he argues …