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Very perceptive article. Great job laying out the facts of how Downtown ties in to our economy and its vital importance to the city as it moves forward. Unfortunately, several on Council are unwilling, unable, or uninterested in understanding how our local economy works.

Councilor Littlefield only cares about the immediate present; she has no vision for the future beyond finding a parking spot on her next trip Downtown. She listens only to people who think of their present, not their future.

Councilor Whitehead doesnt understand our finances, she is outside her expertise managing something as complex as our City. She doesnt listen to experts or delegate well. She's not a capable executive and leads our city to bad, or more often ineffective, decisions.

Mr. Ortega wants to rollback our zoning to suit the City of 40 yrs ago. He wants to dictate his vision for the City, not the public's vision. He has no support other than a few landlords downtown.

Littlefield and Whitehead hopefully will be voted out in 2022, and Ortega in 2024, so we can continue being a prosperous, world-class City.

From: Fishman: A letter to City Council as it considers Old Town Scottsdale guidelines

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