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Hays: Must be careful what exactly we're teaching our children


 Family Values? The Future? The Loss of Humanity?
What are we teaching our children and ourselves? What have we learned? Does turning back the clock or reversing our history really improve our lives? Several writers prior to the 1960s pondered these questions and authored stories or novels with these themes. H.G. Wells penned the great novel “The Time Machine” using them.

What have we learned about our past, our mistakes, our achievements?

We have done away with or reduced our elementary school libraries. Are we erasing or "correcting" our history or is it actually ignoring the truth? Our children are growing up without knowing what a many-paged dictionary is or how to read a simple city street map. In some places, they do not have the chance to learn if they have a talent

in art, music, sports, or theatre.

We no longer teach our children family values that have been passed down generation to generation. Our churches have failed to preach love, now they preach hate. Hate another religion, hate another race, hate another political party; are these family values? I was taught that “hate” was not a family value.

What values are you teaching your children? Do they hear you using the word “hate” applied to people and groups within your community? Do you have family meetings with open discussion? Do you have family gatherings with the grandparents or other relatives? Do you take your children to museums or historical places? When was the
last time you sat down and talked and really listened to your children? When did you last sit down with your elders and listen to them? Are we losing our humanity and our future?