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Pace: Leadership principles offset lies


We are a town of people who pride themselves on respect, character and integrity. I honor and teach these traits as part of my 30-years as a lawyer representing companies and working with CEOs and CFOs.

Volunteer service for me is the passion to make a difference. I have worked hard for almost 20 years as a resident and seven years in service to the town as a vice mayor and councilmember to preserve our iconic mountains, fight for our quality of life, keep our open space and help on many items to benefit residents and stakeholders in the town.

I am known as the residents’ candidate who the community can count on to stand up for residents’ interests. The canary in the coal mine to help avoid items that could get slipped under the radar to undermine our town.

I have stood up time and time again and led efforts to preserve our town. My track record is clear and people know where I stand and learn more on my website www.paceforpv.com.

I, along with many residents, are disappointed in the distraction from the merits of issues and the deliberate misinformation that is being perpetuated along with the introduction of sexism and targeting candidates for wearing lip balm, getting married or being dismissive of female professionals and calling them socialites based on appearance.

Paradise Valley deserves better.

It is unfortunate that the upcoming six resort redevelopment and other projects may be adversely impacting this year’s election cycle. There is pressure to increase density, and there is a growing group who wish to loosen our town code and rules to profit off our town and change the special place we love.

And sadly some are willing to do so, even if it means lying, to try to keep a volunteer position. These bad behaviors should not be rewarded.

Please look at the voting record of those who have stood for the town residents on important issues, such as what I have done to stop a resort’s proposal of a wedding and party five-plex to be built adjacent to Theresa Mao’s home, a 60+ year resident. The mayor and Paul Dembow voted for that party house proposal to go forward.

I posted on my website the newspaper articles that demonstrate the falsity of the accusations. Regarding the 100% false statements attacking me, Councilmember Andeen and candidate Labelle below are principles some of which have been lacking, but can be utilized by a refreshed mayor and council for the improved performance of PV’s town government:

Pace’s 10 rules of leadership that can help in good governance for the town

  1. Support team members: Don’t undermine because of jealousy or for personal gain and Do not undercut popularity of team members, instead capitalize on common goals to achieve greater success for the organization.
  2.  Be inclusive of all team members: Do not sabotage team members or keep knowledge from team members.
  3.  Share credit: Positiveness is contagious and do not steal credit and work product from those who did the work or accomplished successful results.
  4.  Be a chest stabber, not a back stabber.
  5. Say you are sorry when you are wrong or hurt others.
  6.  Play fair: Argue the merits of an issue and avoid engaging in personal attacks.
  7.  Be fiscally savvy.
  8.  Focus on best interests of organization: avoid emotional responses of being against an idea or project to retaliate or punish a team member.
  9.  Do not be a yes person and do not expect others to be a yes person: discussing issues and asking questions should be encouraged and should not result in personal attacks and do not discourage, repress or retaliate against those who ask questions, raise issues or strive for improvements.
  10.  Plan for your replacement: Succession leadership is critical for any organization; Transfer of institutional knowledge and mentoring others to take over positions make a successful organization and do not try to hold onto power too long (term limits matter).

Additional rules for elected officials that can lead to good governance and collaboration: Be transparent and ethical; Discussions should be in the open; Include the public in community conversations; Do not bully or shut down residents’ participation; Do not lie to constituents; Do not confuse and misrepresent to hide things from constituents; Do not trade promises for town benefits for votes; This is a volunteer position, do it for the right reasons; Be empathetic to resident‘s perspectives; Like and enjoy people; Resist revenge; Resist anger; Resist focus on winning at all costs; Leadership is about letting things roll off your back and moving the team forward together; and be an ambassador for the community.

Vote Julie Pace for Mayor on Aug. 2. Our Town needs a refresh of mayor and council with a collaborative team that will focus on the best interests of the town, move forward constructively and preserve Paradise Valley.