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Herzog: Independence Day celebration safety tips


The Fourth of July is a time for families and communities to come together to celebrate the birth of the United States. Community firework celebrations occur across the country to celebrate a night of wonderment as the sparks light up the sky. While the Independence Day events are a time for celebration it is important to keep your family’s safety in mind when dealing with large crowds.

Here are a couple of tips to keep you and your family safe this July Fourth.

Staying safe in crowded events

Remaining aware of your surroundings is key when it comes to large crowds. When going to large events like firework displays during the Fourth of July always know where your exits are. Keep your personal belongings secure and avoid carrying large amounts of money with you. Large bags make you a key focus for any potential thieves. Remember to update your friends or family of your movements. If you decide to go to the bathroom, tell them which one you are going to in case you get lost coming back so they know the direction to help find you if time passes where you should have been back.

When you are with a group establish meeting points. If you get separated and haven’t returned after a designated period that you said you would be back, let’s say 20 minutes, go there and have someone find you. Stick to groups. Two or more when walking in large crowds is best. If you do encounter an emergency remember to remain calm and find someone who is in authority at the event. This can be a security service member or an employee of the venue. They are often identifiable by the vests or clothing they are wearing so you can find them easily. Remember, these events are supposed to be fun, but if you encounter issues knowing what to do will help you and everyone stay safe.

Keeping kids safe

Crowds are an issue for any parent. You must always keep a diligent eye on your kids to make sure they don’t get separated from the pack. During Fourth of July celebrations many things are happening at once. Especially small hometown events. Parents are talking to friends, kids are connecting, lights and music are going on. Even with all this excitement parents must be prepared to know where their kids are during the celebration, so everyone stays safe.

Before going to the event speak with your children about safety issues. Designate areas of safety or meeting areas like a hot dog stand or slushie truck. Something that is well lit. Speak with your children beforehand about not reaching out for help from random people asking if they need any guidance. Teach your kids to look for authoritative figures. As with adults, teach your kids to look for professionals like security or event workers who are often wearing designated clothing.

As always, keep a close eye on your children. If they want to go play with friends, make sure you know exactly where they are going. It is also best to check out the event’s map if possible beforehand and know where child-friendly areas are located. As many moms and dads know it is best to keep a small first aid kit in the purse or on the belt in case a kid gets hurt. Let’s face it, kids just get hurt sometimes.

Always stay vigilant and be aware of surroundings. If you feel yourself becoming uncomfortable to the surroundings it may be best to leave the area or just go home. Trusting your gut is always a good idea as a parent.

Understanding your surroundings and making sure everyone is on the same page is crucial to keep everyone safe in large-crowd events. This Fourth of July should be no different. Enjoy yourselves at all the amazing events across the Valley but always keep in mind the safety of the loved ones around you.

LionHeart Security Services, https://www.lionheartsecurityservices.com, is a Tempe-based provider of security solutions for residential and commercial properties. Herzog has more than 25 years of experience in law enforcement and in the security industry.

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