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Richie: Praises judge, decries use of vape pens


It appears that there is a grave health problem looming with young people thinking that smokeless cigarettes (vaping) is not harmful to their health.

Nothing could be further from the truth as it is extremely dangerous!

Craig Wismer

Judge Craig Wismer of the Arrowhead Justice Court tells us that it the major cause of juvenile offenders in his court, which is almost certainly the same in all of the justice courts.

Judge Wismer is bringing this not only to our attention but is doing something about it. I have had the pleasure to know Judge Wismer and this does not surprise anyone who knows him.

He is serving on the bench to try and make a difference. We are all blessed to have such a man as Craig Wismer as our judge who is positively influencing all of us as well as our next generation.

Irene Richie

Sun City